5-star hotel South Tyrol, Naturns

Holidays at Preidlhof

Here you will find frequently asked questions and information about our hotel. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

preidlhof flower

5-star hotel, Naturns

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The rooms are ready for occupancy from 2pm on your day of arrival, please let us know if you plan to arrive after 8pm. We ask you to vacate your room by 11am on your day of departure.

preidlhof flower
Cost reimbursement

Med spa hotel Italy

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We recommend that you apply for a cost reimbursement plan for massages and recuperative spas from your health / private insurance provider before embarking on your wellness holiday. Invoices issued by Dr. Angerer and from massages are normally recognised as refundable.

preidlhof flower

Wellness & spa hotel Italy

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People suffering from allergies may find suitable dishes in the choice of 26 dishes we offer every evening à la carte. Unfortunately we cannot create special menus for those suffering from allergies.

preidlhof flower
Prices for extern guests

Spa hotel & resort Italy

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Prices for guests without accommodation:

  • Breakfast buffet € 35.00 (€ 25.00)
  • Afternoon buffet € 31.00 (€ 23.00)
  • Seven-course gourmet dinner € 95.00 (€ 73.00)

The prices in brackets are valid for our house guests and their invited friends.

preidlhof flower

Holidays in the spa hotel Italy

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Your four-legged family member is welcome in our hotel. We charge a daily fee of € 30.00 for your pet (without food) and ask for your understanding that pets are not allowed in the dining areas, sunbathing areas and throughout the wellness facilities. Our housekeeping team will be happy to provide you with a blanket or basket for your room.

preidlhof flower
Smoking & room service

Luxury spa hotel Italy

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For room service we charge € 16.00.

We are a non-smoking hotel. All rooms are non-smoking. Smoking is only permitted on the terrace.

preidlhof flower
Price list

Luxury wellness hotel Naturns

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The room prices are per person/day including the “Preidlhof - Gourmet Board” (gourmet breakfast, show-cooking at lunchtime and DolceVita gourmet dinner de luxe).
For overnight stays only with breakfast, € 10.00 per person/day is deducted from the HB price.
We issue a 30% discount to the HB price for the third and each additional person in a double room.

preidlhof flower
Cancellation & insurance

Luxury wellness resort Naturns

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No cancellation costs are charged up to 1 month prior to arrival.
We charge 80% of the booking amount within 1 month prior to arrival.
We will charge the full booking amount in the case of early departure or no-shows.

Our travel insurance of EUR 5.00/person/day will cover all cancellation fees for no-show or early departure in case of accident, illness or death of the insured, its children, siblings, parents or grandparents. It may be undertaken directly with us within 3 days of the room reservation.

preidlhof flower
Bank details & payment

5-star wellness resort Naturns

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  • Cost-effective with any of the standard bank cards (debit cards). With amounts over € 1,000, we kindly ask you to make a partial payment on the day before, since many debit cards have a daily limit of € 1,000 abroad.
  • With MasterCard or VISA.
  • Payments by cash are possible in Euro and CHF - however, please be aware of the currently valid legal situation

Our bank details for the EU:
Raiffeisenkasse Naturno / Naturns
IBAN: IT14C0815758630000300304930
Issued to "Hotel Preidlhof"

Our bank details in Switzerland:
BTV Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg
IBAN: CH3508525000SA31642AA
ATTENTION: Please only make the transfer in euro!
